To uncover is enlightenment. Uncover what? Your true identify, your true nature. And what is your true nature? Divine Love.
Blog Archive
- Uncovering Divine Love
- fevershness
- Concepts and bondage
- Meditation and Death
- Impatience
- Sattvic Intellect
- Possessing
- You are nobody
- Expression of the self
- Mysterious Love
- Relax, be peaceful
- Freedom from Pleasure
- Creating Love
- Unseen Hand
- Creating Love
- Unseen hand
- Fountain of Joy
- honoring is divine love
- Incomplete and Infinite
- imposing your views
- beauty
- Celebration happens when the mind unites with the ...
- status
- When you walk
- Desire destroys beauty
- Let me share
- No ego in Seva ( Service )
- successful failures
- Criticism from the throat
- Destroying Sins
- Do one thing
- stop judging
- anger is about the past
- Love and Meditation
- Ego and Divine Love
- What about me ?
- No mind
- Pleasure Tax
- Who are you ?
- look into the vastness
- God is ?
- Recognize the Divinity
- Too much
- Take life as a play
- You think you know
- Discipline before pleasure
- one with cosmic life
- Highest Blossoming
- pleasure and pain
- Let things be
- feverishness
- surrendering to the Divine
- fame
- amusement park
- Continue arguing ?
- Drop your hate
- the presence of consiousness
- hollow and empty
- Small World
- Desire comes from sleep
- Control
- words that matter
- The Problem with choice
- no proof
- hooked
- Fountain of Joy
- What about me?
- Only self
- Meditation
- Maturing intellect
- habit of being happy
- A Revoluition inside you.
- Eliminating Doubt
- The Way out of Ignorance
- Knowing it All
- Creating Enemies
- False promises
- Mysterious Love
- Sri Sri Ravishankar
- Maintaining Equanimity
- Compassion
- beyond ego
- Bubbles on the surface of the ocean
- Dedication
- Discomfort and Discipline
- Truth and Proof
- Unending Desire
- Whirlwind of the mind
- Fun Loving
- Little and big
- How big is your mind?
- Sureender brings peace
- Worry Vs Freedom
- What can you lose ?
- Power of Surrender
- Surrender and Freedom
- Big Irony
- Like Attracts Like
- Tendency to merge
- Upanishad