When you meditate, you are not just bringing a harmony within yourself, but you are influencing the subtle layers of creation, the subtle bodies of all the different levels of existence in the creation.
Bubbles on the surface of the ocean
Rise above the dualities, the opposites. See this whole world as the bubbles on the surface of water. See people as bubbles on the surface of the Brahman, of the Infinity...Water bubbles up, rises up. Like that, everybody is rising and having their own games and plays and dissolving back into the Infinite.
Attend to the Source
When the Source is attended to, all your other abilities flower automatically, spontaneously.
Unseen Hand
How can we not see this? That everything in the body is happening by itself. Everything in creation is happening by itself. The flowers are blossoming, the leaves are becoming green, the petals are becoming yellow, the sun is rising, setting---how could one be so blind not to see an "unseen hand" behind this whole creation?
When feverishness clogs your head, your mind is not clear; a poetry cannot dawn. If there is feverishness, any creative thought will not come.
Cause of Fear
The transcendental principal, the fourth state of our consciousness, rules over all the other influences of all the planets or cosmic rays. So, if you could meditate, you nullify all the undesirable effects of the cosmic rays, the cosmos. Singing, chanting, meditating can eliminate all those undesirable effects.
Role of Knowledge.
This is the role of knowledge: in knowledge, you smile and laugh at the event. You grow out of the event with the power of knowledge.
Mysterious Love
When you live in Love, you become so mysterious! That is Govinda. 'Govind' means one who has hidden knowledge, or one who cannot be explained in words, is beyond the words.
When doubts arise...
When doubts arise in you: fast, meditate, do pranayam, and do prayers, and see whether the doubt will remain.
Inner Connection
If you loving...
If you are loving, then you are welcomed everywhere in the world. If you can feel and be one with people anywhere you go, then people are ready to do anything for you.
Role of Knowledge
This is the role of knowledge: in knowledge, you smile and laugh at the event. You grow out of the event with the power of knowledge.
Pain in Love
Eliminate the Cause
Eliminate the cause, the very root of negativity in us. Instead of rubbing the mind with a positive thought, go deep into yourself through the breath, through meditation, and cleaning the system.
This consciousness is like a lake. And the inner faculties of the mind are
like a whirlpool in there.
Looking Ahead
Where will we be in 5,000 years? What is going to happen in 5,000 years? Have a bigger plan! In 10,000 years, what is going to happen? Where will you be?
Giving form to Love
Love is there in the whole creation. Everything is Love. But you have never related in your life other than by name and form; you could not love something which has no name or form. The guru embodies---Buddha embodies, Jesus embodies---that infinite Love with name and form.
Love Vs Cravings
True love will not bring sadness, sorrow, misery, problems. But with vasanas (cravings) a tail is always attached---pain, problems, misery, discomfort.
Desire makes you weak
Our energy is getting dissipated in the form of fears and desires, fears and desires. And it is the desire that makes you weak.
Like a cloud...
In the morning, when you walk, become aware of your infinite nature. You are like the sky. You are infinity. And walk with that infinity nature. Move through this world like a white cloud, unstained, untouched.
Sound and Silence
When you listen, listen to something more. Not just to the sound, but to the silence, too.
Strength is wakefulness
The more you are loaded with desires, the poorer you are, the weaker you are. Strength is wakefulness, and in wakefulness there is no desire. Remember this.
Self Study
By self-study, by observing, by being hollow and empty, you become a channel---you become a part of the Divine. You are able to feel the presence of the Divinity. All the different angels and devas, all these different forms of our consciousness, start blossoming.
Walk Lightly
Walk lightly on this planet. You are here only for a little while. Walk lightly on this planet.
All that is precious...
All that is precious in life is a secret. Love is a secret. Life is a secret. The world is a secret. You feelings, emotions are a secret. You are the biggest secret.
Cause of Fear
The transcendental principal, the fourth state of our consciousness, rules over all the other influences of all the planets or cosmic rays. So, if you could meditate, you nullify all the undesirable effects of the cosmic rays, the cosmos. Singing, chanting, meditating can eliminate all those undesirable effects.
Doing the Practice ( of Yoga, Meditation etc. )
Just like you learn to speak a language. Just like you learn to punch on the computer. Just like you learn to drive a car or a plane, you have to learn to drive back to the Self. This is the saadhana, this is the practice---is something that comes to you not just by nature, but by your effort.
Take your pick
You can spend the whole life worrying, grumbling, brooding over things and being miserable, or the same energy could be used to uplift you to unimaginable heights.
No closeness
Misunderstandings happen on this planet because of distance, because there is no closeness, no one ever "sits next to" the other. In one house people live on different planets. In a town, people live in different galaxies.
There is so much distance, and so there is no understanding.
walls of concepts
Your own concepts have created "walls" and so you need a "door." But when there are no concepts, there are no walls.
when you meditate
When you meditate or when you pray, when you are in the space of vastness, calmness and love, you emit certain vibrations, and these vibrations are not limited to you or your environment. They also touch all those minds or the balloons of souls which are outside your physical reality. Your prayer transcends physical reality and reaches the subtle levels of existence.
Lack of understanding of life causes fear. People are afraid of love, people are afraid of meditation, people are afraid of death, people are afraid of themselves. Ignorance, lack of awareness, is cause of fear. Just a glimpse of the Being, of the Self that you are, that you are beyond death, roots out the fear totally.
Questions Questions Questions
Much is done in silence. If the communication is just on the level of words, many questions will come, and answers are given, and many more questions will come, and more answers will come, and many questions---it is an endless exercise.
soothing peace
In joy, in peace, in that soothing---very soothing---inner state you will find the happiness.
No more hankering
When your hankering for pleasure ceases, then you get liberation, you experience Enlightenment. When your hankering for Enlightenment also ceases, then you experience Divine Love.
When you see the beauty somewhere, when you fall in love with something, the next impulse that comes in you is to possess it, have it; and, when you have it, it looses all its significance.
This creation
This creation, this very life, is a mystery, and the mystery cannot be understood. But it could be lived in its totality.
Stuck on a Viewpoint
Your bondage is when you have a certain viewpoint and you are stuck with that viewpoint. You have certain ideas, certain concepts how things should be and not always does it coincide with the creation, how things happen. Then you are stuck, you are cooking now, wrestling inside: "What should I do? This is not right! This is not right!"
Is there any end to desires?
All these different desires for experiences, for living, for knowing, they arise and they get fulfilled and they move. Is there anybody who has not fulfilled any desire? Or is there anybody who has fulfilled all the desires? Is there any end for it?
Transforming Pain
When you are unhappy, some tightness happens in your body, observe the intensity of that sensation. That very thing which was so unhappy, sad thing, flips over and you see, "Oh. It is just tantalizing, stimulating, some sensation." One can even laugh at that painful event.
One Whole
Everyone is like one's own finger; everyone is an inseparable part of the Being. There is no separateness; there is no two.... The entire creation is one Whole.
One with Cosmic Mind
When thoughts are constrained and your mind has settled down peacefully in that meditative state, you have become one with the Divine. You are no more your small, little individual self, but you are one with the cosmic life, cosmic Being, one with God.
Transcendental Prayer
When you meditate or when you pray, when you are in the space of vastness, calmness and love, you emit certain vibrations, and these vibrations are not limited to you or your environment. They also touch all those minds or the balloons of souls which are outside your physical reality. Your prayer transcends physical reality and reaches the subtle levels of existence.
Limited Senses
Our senses have a limited capacity to enjoy, but the desire in the mind to enjoy is infinite. This is where opposition begins: the mind wants to enjoy, but your body is too tired to enjoy.
The Angels
They are very jealous of human beings, the angels, because as human being you can experience Divine Love. So they have to be born as human beings in order to become a devotee, in order to experience Divine Love.
Something that is simple, the mind cannot accept. The ego wants very complicated and difficult things.
Objects and Thoughts
Either we are with the objects of the senses or we are with the thought of the objects of the senses.
You have just been overshadowed by the events in your mind---that is all that has happened. A cloud has covered the sun. What can any cloud do to the sun? Can it destroy it? Remember your nature. You are the only Soul, only Being.
Source of all problems
You see, all the problems in the world are created by those who want "perfection."
What people say
Most of the sorrow in the world is because of this: speech -- what people say. If they kept their lips tight, ninety percent of the problems in the world would be over.
Mind is a Flame
Mind is the flame, and it is the mind that brightens up our world. Take the mind off, your world disappears. Your world is lit and recognized and felt by the mind. And when mind becomes one whole, it is sweet, it is melody, it is beauty. If mind is divided, that is "maya," that is illusion.
Events and Existence
When we think about events, events become so big for us---the Existence loses its significance. When Existence becomes dominant in our awareness, events lose their value and significance. Events bring you small joy; Existence brings you the bliss. Events can cause pain and suffering, but Existence can only bring joy and bliss and truth.
Laugh at others' mistakes
When you look at someone else's mistake, you should laugh at it and feel compassionate towards it; then you are able to save your mind.
Walls of Concepts
Your own concepts have created "walls" and so you need a "door." But when there are no concepts, there are no walls.
One Life.
You think there are two people existing in this world. You think there are two lives; in fact it is wrong. There is only one Life and one Self, one Soul.
This feverishness of fame, of pride, of social recognition is immaturity. Just wake up and see there is nothing much in it. It's an empty bowl.
Poles of the mind
These are the poles we swing between: either we are apathetic and dull and inertia bound or we are engaged in a "vasuna" that grips our mind with feverishness, that clouds our whole consciousness.
Mysterious Love
When you live in Love, you become so mysterious! That is Govinda. 'Govind' means one who has hidden knowledge, or one who cannot be explained in words, is beyond the words.
Sign of Unity
Sign of uniting, or sign of yoga, is coming to your self, your mind settling into your being, your source, with your original nature.
Not Yourself
Life is found to be caught up in storms so very often, and you are not yourself when you are in a storm.
Spreading around
Who we are
Every one of us has experienced the Divine Love, but we have completely forgotten it. We have no idea who we are, where we are, what we have within us.
Worry and Hangings on
Worry makes you hang on to the past, because worry carries the "doership" in it. And the path of devotion is dropping the "doership."
My mistake
When you recognize a mistake as mistake, but not as "my" mistake, your guilt will not be there. You see "Oh, this is a mistake---whether it is by me or someone else---this is a mistake that needs rectification." Your mind is lighter, it is not stiff. It is not loaded with tension.
No Death
There is no death for you. Death is nothing but a long sleep. Death is
nothing but just changing your jackets.
Yoga Vs Depression
Yoga is to realize that your mind is dynamic, your life is dynamic. Depression is a sign of static understanding about life. When you feel everything in life is dead, static, there is nothing more, nowhere to go---that is when one gets depressed.
What has happened in our memory, in our mind? A memory or an event getting connected to emotion, getting connected to a sensation---this becomes a cycle.
What restricts us
We have a set idea about ourself, set concept about ourself, about our likes and dislikes, about our abilities and disabilities, about our own nature. This is what really restricts us. This is what makes us unhappy.
Drop Divisons
Drop all those divisions (of the mind), altogether. This is what is holding you back from enlightenment. This is what is holding you back from your very nature. Drop those right now.
Blog Archive
- Influencing all levels
- Meditation
- Bubbles on the surface of the ocean
- Celebration
- Attend to the Source
- Unseen Hand
- Feverishness
- Cause of Fear
- Role of Knowledge.
- Mysterious Love
- When doubts arise...
- Inner Connection
- If you loving...
- Repose
- Role of Knowledge
- Pain in Love
- Eliminate the Cause
- Whirlpool
- Looking Ahead
- Giving form to Love
- Respect and Love
- God
- Love Vs Cravings
- Desire makes you weak
- Seeing God
- Everything
- Like a cloud...
- Sound and Silence
- Feverishness
- Strength is wakefulness
- That space in us.
- The Divine Loves You
- Self Study
- Walk Lightly
- All that is precious...
- Enthusiasm
- Liberation
- Cause of Fear
- Doing the Practice ( of Yoga, Meditation etc. )
- Take your pick
- No closeness
- walls of concepts
- when you meditate
- Fear
- Trust
- drop your mind
- You are the source of Joy
- Gifts
- Floating Bodies
- Questions Questions Questions
- Freedom
- soothing peace
- No more hankering
- Possessing
- This creation
- Stuck on a Viewpoint
- Liberation
- Hollow and Empty
- Is there any end to desires?
- Transforming Pain
- One Whole
- Feverishness
- One with Cosmic Mind
- Too much austerity
- The best form of worship
- Stones
- Transcendental Prayer
- Limited Senses
- Every Moment
- The Angels
- Ego
- Objects and Thoughts
- overshadowed
- Spirituality
- Punch Yourself
- Source of all problems
- What people say
- Mind is a Flame
- Meditation
- Events and Existence
- Laugh at others' mistakes
- Walls of Concepts
- One Life.
- High Prana
- Fame
- Poles of the mind
- Mysterious Love
- Sign of Unity
- Not Yourself
- Spreading around
- Who we are
- Worry and Hangings on
- My mistake
- No Death
- Yoga Vs Depression
- memory
- What restricts us
- Drop Divisons