Getting Stuck
Looking for Proof
Observation is the Key
The level of words
Why are you sad? Why are you sorrowful? It?s because of your craving. You?re holding on to the past. The sadness is a memory of the past; a memory of craving from the past creates sadness now."
Like a Child
Space for Attraction
Servant is the Master
The Joy of Self
The Source of Life
Satvic Pleasure
Move to the Center
Pleasure and Release
This entire universe is there to give you pleasure and release. Whatever gives you pleasure should also give relief. Otherwise, the very pleasure becomes pain.
Love can just take over you when your mind has become full of "shradhaa"---faith---when there is only "yes" in the mind, when all the thorns of "no" have been pulled out of the mind and thrown away.
Mysterious Love
When you live in Love, you become so mysterious! That is Govinda. 'Govind' means one who has hidden knowledge, or one who cannot be explained in words, is beyond the words.
Divine Love
If you want to grow in Divine Love, you have got to drop the pride and all of the artificial wall we build between ourselves and others. In the "wall" we keep judging others, and we think others are judging us.
Seeing God
The future is very comfortable. Glorifying the past is very comfortable. Seeing God now, here, is difficult. Seeing God in yourself is even more difficult
Asanas ( Yoga Postures )
Anytime you are confused, your mind is in conflict, do asanas, sit in asana. You will see, right away clarity comes. Effect of asana is clearing out of all conflicts, duality.
Open your Eyes.
Open your eyes and see. You think you are in control of a situation---what are you in control of? Where are you? Everything is happening, and you are in God. God is all that is.
Desire means the present is not sufficient enough, it is not okay the way it is now, this moment. Desire means projection to the next moment. Desire simply means being unaware of the Infinity. Desire simply means you don't know yourself.
Deeper Levels of Mind
To probe into the deeper levels of the subconscious, unconscious mind, your mantra needs to be kept secret.
Mind is a flame
Mind is the flame, and it is the mind that brightens up our world. Take the mind off, your world disappears. Your world is lit and recognized and felt by the mind. And when mind becomes one whole, it is sweet, it is melody, it is beauty. If mind is divided, that is "maya," that is illusion.
committed to Truth
A person who is committed to truth---who is committed to what is, this presence of Being---for him success comes easily, follows. Not that he will not encounter failures. He may encounter failures, but he will again act.
No Rejects
A master is like an ocean. Ocean is there, readily available. It does not reject anybody.
Love Vs Cravings
When you tell somebody you love them, make sure you are not saying it out of your "vasanas," your own cravings, your own impressions, your own craving for some joy.
One Pointedness
Not much different
Love and Faith
Blog Archive
- Getting Stuck
- Priorities
- Proof
- Looking for Proof
- Observation is the Key
- A mind without agitation
- The level of words
- Too much austerity
- Craving
- Everything is being
- Power of Existence
- Like a Child
- Space for Attraction
- Servant is the Master
- The Joy of Self
- Priorities
- The Source of Life
- Change
- Satvic Pleasure
- Amusement Park
- Serenity
- Move to the Center
- Pleasure and Release
- shradhaa
- Mysterious Love
- Divine Love
- Feverishness
- Seeing God
- Asanas ( Yoga Postures )
- Open your Eyes.
- That's enough.
- Suffering
- sensory peaks
- Desire
- Deeper Levels of Mind
- Mind is a flame
- committed to Truth
- No Rejects
- Love Vs Cravings
- One Pointedness
- Not much different
- Love and Faith