Drop the past

Now. Now. Now. Cultivate this habit of dropping the past. Then you can smile.

Abiding in the seer

Whenever you experience joy, ecstasy, bliss, happiness in life, knowingly or unknowingly you are abiding in the form of the Seer, in the nature of the Seer. Otherwise, at other times you are with different activities of the mind. You become one with different activities of the mind.

Fun Loving

Nature Loves Fun

The self is the center

The Self is the center of the whole creation.

Fun Loving

Nature loves fun

Avoiding Bondage

You reject something, but if you reject it without anger it is not bondage; if you reject something with anger, then that is bondage. You receive some, and when you receive: "Oh, oh, oh!" you are excited about it, then that is bondage. Whatever is done with anger or excitement makes a strong impression in the mind and that becomes a bondage.

Like Attracts like

In the realm of mind, like attracts like. If the soul is peaceful, then it attracts peaceful environment and people around it.

Uncovering Divine Love

To uncover is enlightenment. Uncover what? Your true identify, your true nature. And what is your true nature? Divine Love.

A Wall of Pride

If you want to grow in Divine Love, you have got to drop the pride and all of the artificial wall we build between ourselves and others. In the "wall" we keep judging others, and we think others are judging us

A wall of pride

If you want to grow in Divine Love, you have got to drop the pride and all of the artificial wall we build between ourselves and others. In the "wall" we keep judging others, and we think others are judging us.

pain in love

There is pain in love because the pain is of the ego; the ego is disappearing, is being destroyed, crushed - and that crushing of ego is painful.


Suffering is a product of limited knowledge.

maturing intellect

When the intellect starts maturing, it starts questioning the source of creation.

sound of silence

When you listen, listen to something more. Not just to the sound, but to the silence, too.


They are very jealous of human beings, the angels, because as human being you can experience Divine Love. So they have to be born as human beings in order to become a devotee, in order to experience Divine Love.

Inner connection with the Guru

Guru is inside you. Have an inner union with the guru. Inside, be with the guru. Krishna is inside you; God, the Divine is inside you---have an inner connection with the Divine.

Love also creates pain

Love also creates pain---tremendous amount of pain. Separation creates pain---tremendous amount of pain. A want, a wish creates a tremendous amount of pressure on the mind.


There is no one-sided mistake.


Events cannot stick on to you. You are like the pure crystal. Niranjanah---untouched, unstained by anything.


When the "I, I, my, mine" is not there---is dissolved---that is liberation.


If ten thousand people applaud you---so what? You think you will be in
their mind, in their attention, forever? No. You will get big
applause, and they clap, and they go away. And, the same people, some
other time may talk ill of you, too.


Whether you agree with me or disagree with me, what does it matter to what is? What is, is

Doubt and Trust

The possibility of doubting shows you the strength of your trust. When you do not have a chance to doubt, then how do you know how deep is your trust? You do not know.


The future is very comfortable. Glorifying the past is very comfortable. Seeing God now, here, is difficult. Seeing God in yourself is even more difficult

harsh words

Do not speak any harsh word. Let not any harsh word come out of your
mouth to anyone, for the Divine dwells in every heart. Do not hurt
with your words, for the Divine dwells in every heart.

Transcendental Prayer

When you meditate or when you pray, when you are in the space of vastness, calmness and love, you emit certain vibrations, and these vibrations are not limited to you or your environment. They also touch all those minds or the balloons of souls which are outside your physical reality. Your prayer transcends physical reality and reaches the subtle levels of existence.

Go deep into sadness

If some sadness arises---"oh, I feel a little sad"---go deep into the
sadness, and you will see that very sadness is nothing but longing,
and that very longing---the tears of longing---is nothing but love,
and love is nothing but gratefulness, and gratefulness is nothing but
your very Being.

Committed to Truth

A person who is committed to truth---who is committed to what is, this presence of Being---for him success comes easily, follows. Not that he will not encounter failures. He may encounter failures, but he will again act.

Highest Blossoming

What is the highest blossoming of consciousness? That consciousness which is neither in the past nor in the future nor in the present, but is a witness to all three. Or you can say, that consciousness which contains the infinite past, the infinite future, and is totally available in the present moment.

Arguing Mind

Look at this arguing mind. This is what you have been carrying all these years---and you want to continue carrying it?


Do anything---if there is no shradhaa (faith), nothing is going to benefit you. And if you do nothing and there is shradhaa, that itself becomes
saadhana for you, becomes a practice.

Beyond Birth and Death

There is something in you that is beyond death. And that is before birth, also.

Dissolving Desire

"Want" is always hanging on to the "I." When the "I" itself is dissolving, "want" also dissolves, disappears.


Desire means the present is not sufficient enough, it is not okay the way it is now, this moment. Desire means projection to the next moment. Desire simply means being unaware of the Infinity. Desire simply means you don't know yourself.

Become free

Offering all the negativity, you become free. Offering all the positive virtues you think you possess, you become free.

Meditation and Death

Meditation is very similar to this experience of void. In meditation you realize you are not just the body, but you are more than the body. That annihilates the fear of death

A place for everyone

There is a place for everyone in the heart of the Divine.

Like a Child

When you are established in your Self, you are not holding on to concepts. You are loose, free, easy, and open---just like a child.

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